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Legal issues affecting pets,
companion animals, and their people

SM, Copyright 1998 - 2000,  Joel R. Zand, Esq.



Was Your Dog Exposed To Asbestos Or Diagnosed With Mesothelioma?
Asbestos is a highly toxic and dangerous source of indoor air pollution.  A mesotheIioma lawyer can tell you that asbestos is a recognized human carcinogen by U.S. and international health agencies. Unfortunately, just as your dog or cat can bring unwanted fleas and other critters into the house, the can carry asbestos too, and become sick with life-threatening mesothelioma

National Dog Bite Prevention Week
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevnetion recently launched it«s annual dog bite prevention initiative in the U.S. to educate owners on socializing their dogs, and inform the public about dog bite attacks that hurt young children between 5 and 9 more than any other age group.

Cloning Fido
Texas-based Genetic Savings and Clone opened its doors to animal lovers who want to store the DNA of a cherished animal companion in the hopes that one day they will be cloned.  Read the article in Wired.

Cruelty on the Couch
Read this important New York Magazine artile on animal abuse, most people see an act of petty violence. Dr. Stephanie LaFarge of the ASPCA sees a warm-up crime  --  and an offender who may soon move on to a human victim companions at work

Washington Law Firms Go to the Dogs
Washington Post staff writer Phil McCombs details the life of D.C. attorneys with their canine companions at work

New York City Cop«s Crash Dog«s Birthday Bash

Photographer William Wegman

New Harlem Dog Run

New Rochelle, New York dog barking statute held unconstitutional



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© Joel R. Zand, Esq., Copyright 1998 - 2004, All rights reserved. Read my disclaimer!